About us

chi siamo

Porta Nevia

Founded in 2001 by professionals from the academic, institutional and industrial worlds, Porta Nevia was inspired by St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, with the aim of ​​being a place for training, studying and discussions, capable of accommodating university students from all over the world.

Direction Team

Porta Nevia is lead by professionals in the educational field. Their training is in continuous development; each year the members of the direction conduct refresher training and methodological enrichment.

The personal relationship that develops between direction and students is one of the many strengths of life at Porta Nevia; it’s a relationship built on listening and openness, to calmly face the challenges and embrace increasingly ambitious goals.



Residence Stories

The atmosphere that reigns in Porta Nevia is that of a typical welcoming home that is always open, where everyone cares for each other and works together for the good of all.

Life in the Residence is marked by commitment to daily practice, but is enriched by moments of fun, shared experiences, cultural studies and sports, that must be part of a young and university environment.

Like in a family, every resident is called on to take on small tasks to form a strong sense of responsibility and accountability, and to develop human skills both of relational and managerial nature. This approach will provide a wealth of essential experiences for the student’s personal and professional growth.

Home Administration Team

At Porta Nevia we take care of every detail to make residents feel at home. Specialized teams take care of housekeeping, cooking, cleaning and laundry services, creating a warm and cozy home.

Meals are prepared to provide a healthy and balanced diet. Like family, we pamper our students on joyous occasions such as holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.

RUI Residence in Roma: study, friendship, support, opportunities | Porta Nevia Residenza Universitaria a Roma, Campus Bio-Medico Roma Tre